Psidium litorale - Cattleanum


Psidium litorale - Cattleanum
5.50 *Prices include VAT
Psidium littoral - Catleanum
strawberry guava -8° C
Delivery Height 20 cm
exotic tropical fruit trees, patio plants, hardy exotics, hardy tropicals, hardy exotic nursery

Psidium littoral - Catleanum
strawberry guava -8° C
Delivery Height 20 cm

Psidium cattleianum, named in honour of notable English horticulturist Sir William Cattley, commonly known as Cattley guava or Peruvian guava, is a small tree (2–6 m tall), bearing small red or yellow fruit, which are somewhat sour but sometimes eaten or made into jam.

The red-fruited variety is known as strawberry guava.

The fruit can be eaten by cutting them in half and scooping out the pulp and seeds or by biting off a piece of the rind and sucking out the insides.

Strawberry guavas taste like a passionfruit mixed with strawberry.

The seeds are small and white in colour and can be roasted as a substitute for coffee.

Its leaves may be brewed for tea.
The skin is also edible and tastes a bit like rose petals but is best removed for a sweeter flavour. (Wikipedia)

Strawberry guava at the nursery at the end of October

exotic tropical fruit trees, patio plants, hardy exotics, hardy tropicals, hardy exotic nursery