Trachycarpus fortunei

-18° C

Trachycarpus fortunei
3.50 *Prices include VAT
Trachycarpus fortunei
-18 ° C
hardiest palm
Delivery Height: 15 cm
hardy palms - exotic plants - tropical plants

Trachycarpus fortunei
-18 ° C
hardiest palm
Delivery Height: 15 cm

Windmill palm is one of the most cold hardy palms available.

Chinese fan palm is native to temperate
and subtropical mountainous areas
of Asia including southeastern China,
Taiwan and the Chusan Islands.

Windmill palm does best in well drained soils
with above average fertility
but it will survive in almost
anything except perpetually soggy conditions.

It is moderately salt tolerant
and can be planted behind the first line dunes
or against a structure that will shield it
from direct exposure to sea breezes.

Partial shade is best.

hardy palms - exotic plants - tropical plants