Meadowsweet - Filipendula ulmaria

-20° C

Meadowsweet - Filipendula ulmaria
4.50 *Prices include VAT
Filipendula ulmaria
-20° C
Filipendula ulmaria
-20° C

Natural well-being: the queen of pastures, analgesic and purifying
Beauty secrets with garden plants: purifying infusion for beautiful skin.
Harvest of meadowsweet
The bouquets of creamy, fragrant flowers float, borne by long, flexible stems.

Powerful diuretic, meadowsweet is also an anti-inflammatory.

It soothes rheumatic pains and limits cellulite and obesity. These are the flowers that are picked first (at the beginning of flowering), but the whole plant is usable.
In the Middle Ages, this elegant looking plant was used for its aromatic properties: its bloom, which resembles that of elderberry, scented beer and mead. But the story of the queen of the meadows is mainly characterized by a great discovery.

In the 19th century, chemists analyzed its composition and found salicylated derivatives that are precursors to acetylsalicylic acid, the active molecule of one of the most widely used drugs in the world: Aspirin! The latter also owes its name to the Reine-des-Prés, which is also called "spirea" in reference to its fruit clusters wound in a spiral.
The plant is therefore used against headaches (or headaches), toothache or even painful periods. But it brings other botanical active ingredients, in particular flavonoids with diuretic effects.

These, added to the anti-inflammatory action of salicylated derivatives, make the plant a remedy of choice for joint pain.

Indeed, by increasing the urine volume, it can evacuate the excess uric acid that can settle in the joints. It also has sweat properties to make you sweat and antiseptics to treat infections, so it appears to be of interest in the treatment of flu.

To take it in an infusion, you must use hot water, but not boil, around 60 ° C, so as not to destroy the fragile active ingredients.

Advantage over aspirin: it does not cause side effects such as stomach upset. In mother tincture, the meadowsweet is applied directly to the painful area.

The plant is harmless, but it is contraindicated for people allergic to aspirin. As a precaution, it is not recommended for pregnant and nursing women and very young children. Overdose or intolerance can cause urinary tract inflammation or heart problems. Test your sensitivity to this plant in advance and always place the cures.