Olive herb Santolina x virens Lemon Fizz


Olive herb Santolina x virens Lemon Fizz
4.50 *Prices include VAT
Santolina x virens Lemon Fizz
Olive herb
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exotic spices - medicinal plants - exotic spices - medicinal plants

Santolina x virens Lemon Fizz
Olive herb

Culinary herb for seasoning dishes.

They are small evergreen shrubs
growing 10–60 cm (4–24 in) tall.

Native to the Mediterranean, Santolina viridis is a unique aromatic plant whose foliage gives off an amazing scent of olive.

Santolina viridis is a hardy plant that tolerates any well drained soil.

It requires a sunny exposure.

The olive herb 'Olivia' has an intense olive flavour.

It is used to refine, e.g. salads.
It has a compact habit with delicate leaves and provides a high ornamental value in mixed planting.

exotic spices - medicinal plants - exotic spices - medicinal plants